{Individuality brings out the captivating differences in each of their wonderful children's persona's...}
Art is not only a large part of Dr. Michael and Andrea Bortner's personal style, it also brings out the captivating differences in each of their wonderful children's individual persona's. Brenna, the Bortner's daughter, was the first of the two camera studies and since she adores her cat, the small fluffy creature came along for the ride. We may just start referring to ourselves as the pet whisperers, just take a look at that content fluffy face!
When it came time for the Bortner's son Dolan's camera study, the beach was unanimously decided to be most appropriate due to their current residence's beachy location.
The combination of the two very different style paintings displayed so near to each other is such a fresh look and very fitting to the Bortner's beautiful home.