Back when I was just a young whipper snapper exploring the vast territory of the business world and grasping, with tight fists, my love of photography, I would have appreciated nothing more than to have had a career day where I could soak up all the knowledge and experience of someone who has already been through the trials and tribulations that I would surely encounter on my journey to my dream occupation. When Holy Trinity Episcopal Acadamy asked me If I would like to be a part of their Career Day, I gladly accepted. For days all I could think about was finding a way to impart into these students what I wished would have been shared with me. For the miniscule amount of time that it actually stole me away from my work, I was able to share experiences and keys to success with these students who have all the potential in the world to take it and run with it. I strongly encourage attending a career day and sharing your passion with the younger generations, for they will be the next drivers behind this country's proverpial steering wheel guiding us into generations to come.