Author, Joni Aldrich, came to us with the need of creating something for her website and other publications. I love the beauty and peacefulness she has in this portrait. The colors she chose are wonderful and creating this at the beach ties in perfectly to the book. The entire piece makes a great statement. After losing her husband to cancer, she decided to use the knowledge she gained in that experience and share it with others so they could either find help in their struggles or healing.
In her words:
May 13, 2006 Gordon dies.
May 14, 2006 Rebuilding begins.
The Saving of Gordon was written to help readers survive the struggles of cancer. Now she’s written The Losing of Gordon to help readers survive the struggles of grief. The Losing of Gordon is written around a series of letters that Joni wrote to her husband, Gordon, during her grief “process.” Some are heartbreaking. Some are almost humorous lessons in perseverance. All are inspirational. In this book, Joni teaches that although everyone grieves differently, the only way forward is to take one small step at a time. Stretch one hand out of the darkness. Remember that one heart still beats and must survive. Within each of us is the beacon that lights the way through the storm called “Grief.” Read more by going to Joni's website