Yesterday evening, Tuesday August 10th, was the annual awards banquet for the FPP (Florida Professional Photographers) convention’s highest achievers of the year. The convention, held in Orlando, is an event that Lesa and I look forward to attending year after year. Last night’s banquet strayed from the usual beaten path in the fact that this past weekend Lesa fell ill with pneumonia. Though she is on the mend, she wasn’t quite up to par to slip on some heels and be my number one fan, a role she loves to play. While I was sad Lesa couldn’t be at my side to see my portraits as they were recognized by the state of Florida, I was thrilled to have my youngest daughter, Kyla, in that very seat holding down the title of number one fan for the evening. She had a ball spectating the awards ceremony and cheering me on as I pulled in the 1st place award in the “Portrait of a Group” category, the 1st place award in the “Portrait of a Couple” category along with a distinguished award in the same category, the 1st place award for our “Intersection Guild” entry, a place in the “Top Ten Photographers” of the year in Florida, and last but most certainly furthest from the least… the coveted Kodak trophy which was awarded to me for the summation of the portrait division in its entirety. The hour drive home flew by with Kyla, proud as can be, and I, one happy artist/dad, recapped the night’s events and performed some karaoke in the car.