“The portraits are just gorgeous of Lily,Cooper and Caroline!! I am just thrilled to have them and be able to hang them in our home. I cannot believe how great they are. Thank you so much for your work and talents, our family is very grateful. “
-Nel Hayes
I must agree with her, these portraits are beautiful and this one is my favorite. I know you can’t actually see their sweet faces, but in my opinion, this captures more of their essence in their current state. The portrait isn’t focused how they look at this particular age, but more about their innocence and childlikeness. Notice Lily’s ability to nurture her little sister, Caroline. It just doesn’t get any sweeter.
We feel honored by the Hayes family as they drive two and a half hours to get to our studio four times a year. This is no easy task to uphold for any busy family, but especially since the first and second child were both photographed every three months for their respective first years. What blessed children to have a mother who doesn't give up on her lovely little one's feelings and upholding a standard of equal love and adoration for each of them.